Head of Service

Early Life and Education
Civil Service based legal practitioner in the field of Public Law, with special bias in Criminal Prosecution and Legal Services to Public Agencies. Currently engaged in ADR training and having participated in various National and International ADR program/conferences at Abuja, Cairo etc on Arbitration and ADR in Africa Conference, Mediation and Restorative Justice workshops, I am now an Associate Mediation Advocate of SCMA(U.K).Also working towards accreditation in Arbitration (on membership International) hence December 2022, with ICAMA(International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation Abuja);
His Career
July 2022 to date: Deployed also to Ministry of Environment, Mines and Solid Minerals, to address burning issues on environmental regime, from Standards, Laws and Regulations about environmental degradation to its protection and host of climate change issues. In addition I am also to streamline state’s role in Solid Minerals Development. Currently, am the Chair, State Technical Committee on ACRESAL(Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes), a World Bank supported Project to address general environmental/Climate Change regime in Northern Nigeria;
June 2019 to June 2022 : redeployed to Ministry of Justice, as Solicitor General/Permanent Secretary, to address new challenges with new set of offenses such as Armed Banditry, Cattle Rustling, strange kidnappings etc, the trend calls for restrategizing towards transformative/alternative interventions in line with National Policy on Justice. So also updating skills of our younger Law Officers;
January 2015-June 2019 deployed to serve as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives. Served also as Chairman State Committee on Export Promotion;
October 2006-March 2013 State Solicitor-General/Permanent Secretary this is the period when my services targeted public agencies/institutions by way of legal services in the State, which extend to commercial and legislative drafting, legal advices and overseeing treatment of cases (both criminal and civil.) and other solicitors’ works. In addition to promotion and implementation of Legal and Justice Sector reforms and restructuring that facilitated the establishment of Arbitration and ADR Department to handle Arbitration and Conflict Resolution issues, hence our involvement in ADR Trainings;
October 1996-October 2006 Director Public Prosecution (DPP): This is the bedrock of my career, at which time the focus were criminal prosecution and coordinating activities of the Directorate in the overall interest of administration of State Criminal Justice system;
October 1992-1993 posted to Sokoto Investment & Property Development Company as an Assistant Manager Legal; where I engaged in full Corporate Law practice especially involving Public Corporations and state Agencies;
March 1992-August 1992 was the beginning of my career as a State Counsel, and later promoted into the post of an Ag. Assistant Director Public Prosecution in the former Sokoto State (1994-1995), to oversee ADPP’s office in Gusau, former Sokoto State.