Governor Dauda Lawal has reiterated his administration’s commitment to invest massively in girl-child education across Zamfara State.

On Thursday, Governor Lawal attended an awareness lecture on gender-based violence, organized by the office of the Zamfara State First Lady, Hajiya Huriyya Dauda Lawal, as part of the 16-day activism.

In a statement by his spokesperson, Sulaiman Bala Idris, the Governor called for a collective response against gender-based violence.

The statement added that the awareness program is one of the critical events of the office of the First Lady in its efforts to improve the lives of girl-children in Zamfara state.

While delivering his remark, Governor Dauda Lawal said that Zamfara has been unfortunately infested with insecurity for over ten years, which gave rise to insecurity.

“The insecurity in Zamfara gave rise to the internal displacement of several communities, and the victims are mainly girls and women.

“Gender-based violence is a serious problem that we face as people. Therefore, we are developing programmes aimed at solving this massive inequality by investing in prevention and public enlightenment and creating access to education as well as economic development.

“We are particularly determined to invest more in girl-child education by encouraging parents to send their girl-child to school.

“I recently approved massive renovations of some girls’ secondary schools, College of Health Technology, and College of Health Sciences across Zamfara.

“It is pleasing to report that there has been a significant increase in enrollment of girls in schools, which is a positive development.

Earlier, during her speech, the First Lady of Zamfara State, Hajiya Huriyya Dauda Lawal, commended the State government for addressing issues related to girls’ education.

“Today, we have gathered together to declare with one voice that enough is enough! As the First Lady of Zamfara State, it is my unwavering commitment to stand as an advocate of change – a catalyst for a society where every person, regardless of gender, can thrive in safety and equity.” She said.


Governor Dauda Lawal has vowed to end the persisting problem of banditry in Zamfara State.

On Wednesday, the governor visited the Community Protection Guards (CPG) training camp, an initiative of his administration to combat banditry in the state.

A statement by the governor’s spokesperson, Sulaiman Bala Idris, noted that the ongoing Community Protection Guards (CPG) training has instilled hope and confidence in the fight against insecurity in Zamfara.

According to him, the recruitment process for the Community Protection Guards (CPG) was a rigorous one, with 300 individuals selected from each of the 14 local government areas of the state.

Governor Lawal expressed confidence in the fight against insecurity and emphasised the need for collective responsibility to ensure peace in Zamfara.

During the visit, he said: “I am here today to witness the progress of the newly recruited Community Protection Guards (CPG) training.

“I urge you all (the recruits) to dedicate yourselves to the training as the task ahead is enormous and requires sacrifice for the motherland. We must come together for an effective result. One day, we will overcome the security challenges we face across Zamfara State.

“I am delighted with what I have seen at the training camp. It has raised my hopes, and I am confident that our rescue mission is on track, ensuring a better future for Zamfara.”


Governor Dauda Lawal has assured that his administration will restore the glory of education in Zamfara State.

Giving assurance at the official launch of the commencement of construction and renovation of schools, Governor Lawal reaffirmed his commitment to the revitalisation of education.

A statement by the Spokesperson of the Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, noted that the State Government is prioritising education in fulfilment of the campaign promises made.

According to him, the commencement of the projects aligns with the State of Emergency declared in the education sector.

He said: “During the presentation of award letters for school construction and renovation in Zamfara State, Governor Lawal expressed his commitment to completely revamping the education sector.

“The flag-off exercise is for the construction and renovation of classrooms, WASH facilities, school fencing, and the provision of furniture for students and teachers in our schools, all in the spirit of the state of emergency the government declared.

“The projects are going to be executed by reputable indigenous contractors. The projects include the complete rehabilitation of the dilapidated schools across the 14 Local Government Areas. This is in addition to new ones, including Tsangaya schools across the three zones of Anka, Kaura Namoda, and Gusau.

“For the execution of these projects, the sum of Four Billion Three Hundred and Forty-Six Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Two Hundred and Nine Naira Nineteen Kobo only (4,346,450,209.19) has been earmarked by the government. The project contractors have been carefully selected based on their integrity and experience handling similar projects.”

“The project involves constructing and renovating 245 schools across the 14 local government areas in the state. Additionally, 9,542 two-seater desks will be provided for pupils and students in schools across the 14 local government areas.”


Governor Dauda Lawal has restated that the people of Zamfara State have bestowed their trust in his administration.

The Governor, who returned on Monday from an official foreign trip, was greeted by an unprecedented crowd of supporters in an electrifying atmosphere upon his arrival in Gusau.

A statement by the Spokesperson of the Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, said the massive crowd that received the Governor was a testament to the high level of trust in his administration.

According to him, Governor Lawal’s government garnered immense support from the people of Zamfara, who displayed their affection as a show of solidarity.

He said: “Yesterday, while returning to Zamfara from an official trip in Abidjan, Governor Dauda Lawal was received by an unprecedented crowd of people.

“Governor Lawal’s convoy was welcomed by a massive crowd from the Tsafe local government area to Gusau, the state capital.

“In his remark at the State secretariat of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Governor Lawal reiterated that the people of Zamfara have placed their trust in his leadership. He vowed to work tirelessly to honour that confidence.

“We are not afraid of a re-run. The people of Zamfara have entrusted us with their votes. We are prepared and optimistic; even if the election occurs tomorrow, we are ready to go to Maradun local government.

“We are fully committed to our rescue mission, and no obstacle can impede our determination and focus.”


Governor Dauda Lawal appealed to the African Development Bank to incorporate Zamfara State into phase 2 of the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) program.

The Governor appealed while making a presentation on Saturday during a meeting between Northwest Governors and the President of the AfDB, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina.

The SAPZ programme aimed to end the export of raw agricultural commodities, providing an opportunity for processing locally.

A statement by the spokesperson of Zamfara Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, said Zamfara missed out on Phase 1 of the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) program in 2021 but will benefit from Phase 2 after the intervention of the Governor.

According to the statement, the Northwest States, including Zamfara, will experience unprecedented growth and development in the agricultural sector, contributing significantly to Nigeria’s economic transformation.

He said: “The meeting between the Northwest Governors and Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank, has opened doors of opportunity for the seven states in the region.

“The governors of Zamfara, Kebbi, Katsina, Sokoto, Jigawa, Kano, and Kaduna informed the president of the AfDB about the significant areas in the region that require attention.

“The Governors approached the African Development Bank for assistance in tackling crucial challenges in their respective States, such as security, human capital development, and agriculture. These crucial aspects are interconnected and significantly impact the overall well-being and prosperity of the people.

“Through collaboration and with the guidance and support of the African Development Bank, Northwest Governors will be empowered to create a safer and more conducive environment for their citizens. This will not only attract investments but also foster sustainable economic growth.”

The African Development Bank has expressed interest in providing support to Nigeria’s Northwest region. The Bank’s President commended the Governors for prioritising the well-being of their people.


Governor Dauda Lawal has charged the newly sworn-in Sole Administrators to uphold the guiding principles of his Rescue Mission.

The newly appointed 14 local government sole administrators were sworn-in in a colourful ceremony at the Nadama Hall, J. B Yakubu Secretariat in Gusau.

A statement by the Governor’s Spokesperson, Sulaiman Bala Idris, said the sole administrators were tasked to work very hard to justify the enormous confidence reposed in them.

He added that the sole administrators were reminded of the administration’s mission to ensure full implementation of policies and programmes that will assist in the positive transformation of people’s well-being, particularly on security and infrastructure development issues.

The statement read in parts: “Governor Lawal, while addressing the newly sworn-in sole administrators, said that the guiding principles in appointing them are competence, dedication, and experience. These qualities are the foundation upon which they were entrusted with the responsibility to oversee the affairs of the Local Government Councils pending the completion of all necessary preparations for the Local Government elections by the State Independent Electoral Commission.

“The sole administrators were carefully selected to run the affairs of Local Governments in recognition of their honesty, integrity, valuable contributions to their respective communities, and support to rescuing Zamfara from the morass of ineptitude and impunity.

“The Governor further tasked them to work very hard to justify the enormous confidence reposed in them. Preparing yourselves to handle the numerous tasks and responsibilities would be best. This is important, considering the role of local government as the third tier of government and the closest to the people.

“He charged them to form a formidable team and work closely with the secretaries of their councils and councillors.”

The sworn-in Sole Administrators were presented with appointment letters by the Executive Governor, Dauda Lawal, to serve in that capacity for six months.


Governor Dauda Lawal, on Thursday, sought improved collaboration and working synergy among security agencies in the State.

The Governor appealed while presiding over the Zamfara State Security Council meeting at the council chambers, Government House, Gusau.

According to a statement by the Spokesperson of the Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, the Council discussed crucial security issues.

In addition, the Governor emphasised the need for security agencies to work together and share information to enhance their effectiveness in combating banditry.

The statement said: “During the Zamfara Security Council meeting today, Governor Dauda Lawal led discussions on how to end the menace of banditry and other crimes in the State.

“He informed the members of the Security Council that the selection process for the Community Protection Guards’ steering committee has been concluded in all 14 local governments of the State. The training for the selected guards is scheduled to commence towards the end of this week.

“The Governor urged the heads of security agencies in Zamfara to increase patrols due to reports of bandit influx from neighbouring states.
He reiterated that the safety of lives and properties remains the topmost priority of his administration. He further stated that he is always prepared to furnish security agencies with adequate logistics and moral support to help them achieve this objective.

“He appealed to the heads of security agencies in the state to work collaboratively towards finding a more strategic and kinetic approach to ending the ongoing insecurity challenges.”


Governor Dauda Lawal disclosed that his administration is making strides in the battle against banditry and related crimes in the state.

The Zamfara State Governor on Wednesday revealed that the first batch of the Community Protection Guards (CPG) recruited from all 14 Local Government Areas will be mobilised to the training camp within a week.

A statement by the Governor’s Spokesperson, Sulaiman Bala Idris, noted that Governor Lawal received the whitepaper of the transition committee at the council chamber, Government House Gusau.

He added that the whitepaper was presented by a committee led by Alhaji Bello Umar Karakkai, former Head of Service, Zamfara State.

“Governor Dauda Lawal, while speaking during the presentation of the whitepaper on the transition committee report, commended the committee for their thorough job of examining the report and presenting the Government’s position on the various issues and recommendations raised in the report.

“The Whitepaper Committee was informed by the need to satisfy the overriding interest of the public in studying the various recommendations and the issues raised by the Transition Committee 2023 and coming up with the Government’s position. This aligns with the Zamfara government’s quest to address the various issues relating to public service and the general administration.

“The Governor also appreciated both the Transition Committee and the writers of the Whitepaper on how they extensively examined a wide range of issues relating to the development of Zamfara State. These include the broader question of governance reform and its key components, such as public service and financial reforms.

“He further assured that in the course of the implementation of the Whitepaper, his government will be guided by the collective interest of the people in building a more secure and prosperous Zamfara State, which should rightfully occupy its place in the comity of the states of the federation.

“The State Government is committed to implementing the whitepaper as soon as it concludes the evaluation of the various positions adopted by the committee.

“Governor Lawal expressed commitment to taking concrete actions in response to the recommendations. As part of his well-rounded and effective response, we will establish administrative and judicial committees of inquiry where the need arises. These committees will be crucial in scrutinising and addressing the issues raised in the Whitepaper. The administrative committee will focus on implementing practical and policy-related recommendations, while the judicial committee will investigate various issues of impropriety committed by individuals and apply appropriate sanctions accordingly.”


Governor Dauda Lawal has pledged full support to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Zamfara State.

The Commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Zamfara paid a courtesy visit to the Government House in Gusau on Tuesday.

A statement by the Governor’s Spokesperson, Sulaiman Bala Idris, revealed that the Commandant raised significant concerns related to the fight against drug abuse in the State.

The statement reiterated Governor Lawal’s commitment to collaborating with the NDLEA to ensure a drug-free state.

He said: “Responding to the demands of the commandant, Governor Lawal restated his commitment to fighting drug abuse and building a drug-free society across all local government areas.

“The State Government requires a mutual understanding with the NDLEA in tackling the menace of drug abuse; we would also provide all necessary support needed to cripple drug smuggling into the State.

“The Governor stated that drug use is a significant factor contributing to the ongoing insecurity in the state. As many of the bandits operate under drug influence, it is our responsibility to find a lasting solution to the issue.

“He promised to renovate the Gusau rehab centre, provide proper accommodation and offices for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), and furnish the agency’s officers with operational vehicles for efficient operations.

Earlier, the Commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Zamfara, Bamidele Amos Segun, explained the agency’s role in curtailing drug abuse and smuggling in the State.

He said: “I am honoured to be in your presence today and grateful for the Almighty God who blessed Zamfara with a person like you.

“Based on what we have observed, it appears that under your watch, Zamfara State is making progress towards complete recovery. As members of the NDLEA, we are committed to providing our utmost support to your government in fulfilling our constitutional duty of reducing drug abuse to the minimum.”


Governor Dauda Lawal reiterated his commitment to ensuring an independent and transformed judiciary in Zamfara.

The Governor, on Monday, conducted an official inspection of the high courts in the State, beginning at the High court Complex in the State capital, Gusau.

A statement by the Spokesperson for the Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, said the purpose of the official visit was to assess the condition of the facilities and infrastructure at the High Courts.

He added that the Governor was received and briefed by the Chief Judge, Justice Kulu Aliyu, about the condition of the courts and the interventions required from the government.

He said: “In his remark, Governor Lawal reiterated that upon assumption in office, he made commitments that under his administration, the judiciary would be given all the necessary support it deserves.

“The Governor promised not to interfere in judicial processes and to address welfare packages of the judges, including accommodation and office renovation.

“He stressed the significance of preserving justice since the judiciary serves as the final recourse for the common people. He further stated that his administration is committed to establishing a strong and autonomous judiciary to facilitate the equitable and timely administration of justice, as well as the comprehensive reform of this essential branch of government.”

Earlier, the Zamfara State Chief Judge commended Governor Lawal’s unwavering effort in providing all necessary assistance to the judiciary. “We appreciate all that you have done for us. You always provide us with essential assistance whenever we approach you with a problem.” She said.